
Hi! Today, the topic that I've chosen is something which each one of us has said, heard or experienced at some point of time. But, a shot of good Espresso made me wonder, do we actually know what priority is ? I have often heard people say "I am not your priority " or "your priorities have changed ." My simple question is , do we prioritise tasks or do we prioritise people ? And if we prioritise people, does this mean that they are tasks ?! Hahaha, indubitably not ! We list down tasks in the order of importance and the one at the top is known as priority. Yes! Its's that simple and generic . Our priority's change depending on the situation and urgency of the work or task. Relationships, whether formal or informal, new or old, love or hate, are not ; rather can not be termed as tasks. Of course , some relationships are more important and sacred than others. We give them more time and dedication , but that's because of the love and growth ...