
Today, the topic that I've chosen is something which each one of us has said, heard or experienced  at some point of time. But, a shot of good Espresso made me wonder, do we actually know what priority is ?

I have often heard people say "I am not your priority " or "your priorities have changed ."

My simple question is , do we prioritise tasks or do we prioritise people ? And if we prioritise people, does this mean that they are tasks ?!

Hahaha, indubitably not !

We list down tasks in the order of importance and the one at the top is known as priority. Yes! Its's that simple and generic . Our priority's change depending on the situation and urgency of the work or task.

Relationships, whether formal or informal, new or old, love or hate, are not ; rather can not be termed as tasks. Of course , some relationships are more important and sacred than others. We give them more time and dedication , but that's because of the love and growth we've experienced with the earthling.

When it comes to tasks, we complete the first one and shift our focus to the consequent. We don't do that with mortals and alliances. We make sure that we work on them so that they grow, they flourish and we always make an attempt to maintain them inorder to be with one another in times of triumph and forfeit. I don't wish to be anyone's priority, I'm not a task to be achieved. I don't make people my priority , by all means, for the very same reason.

Priorities keep changing according to the sphere. But so do people and relationships; the line of difference still exists in the way that , "Priorities are temporary, person and consanguinity are not." Irrelevant of still being together or no, they always leave indelible impressions for lifetime with after effects fading duly with time. However, the watermarks always remain. So how can a "Person" be "Priority", when there are forever lasting impressions from association? Although, I do agree to the fact that , the act of meeting someone is a task and can be prioritised according to convenience and importance but this still doesn't emphasise on the counter part that 'people' can be prioritised.

But in the end, this is my ideology, yours might differ and there's always a gap for an open mind discussion and different results , which are acceptable .

Good Vibes 


  1. True. Didn't see priority and relationships the same way as you did though. It's a nice blog but bro you use really big words. I feel like I'm dumb sometimes. Naw! Jk πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    1. Hahaha, you & dumb when it comes to words? I can't believe that . πŸ˜‚ Anyway , thanks Neha ❤️

  2. Absolutely perfectly described πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
    My thoughts exactly expressed so beautifully.
    Waiting for your nxt blog eagerly πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  3. Good work, I've been reading your blogs & I'm proud that my daughter has such a beautiful lookout for this world❤️❤️ Keep it up !

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Shreya,
    I got hooked by the name of your blog. Enjoyed reading it. Very refreshing & interesting perspective. Best wishes. I really like your post & Looking forward to read more.

  6. You write on difficult topics. This type of thinking is very new for me. Keep writing. Nice!

    1. Thank you chacha, it is good to be appreciated but its even better when its from family.

  7. Wooow shreya thats really a great blog keep it up...


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