Just Hold On!

The other day, while sitting in the class room I experienced something very different, different from the usual. I felt a rush of adrenaline like never before, I felt my heart beating to its loudest and my face turned pale . I was sweating in an air conditioned class room. This is exactly , when, I knew something is not right. I had my results that day and although I had faith I would clear the semester, I still experienced this. What I experienced was ANXIETY. Anxiety - a feeling of worry, unease and nervousness for a certain outcome. Depression - a feeling of severe despondency & dejection. Something which we go through at different levels but yes we all go through this, my reason was results, yours might be something else. But, we all experience it . Anxiety or Depression for that matter is not an out of the world condition, it is just that nervousness, that doubt, maybe lack of confidence for a particular outcome that leads in a gush of adrenaline ...