Just Hold On!

 The other day, while sitting in the class room I experienced something very different, different from the usual. I felt a rush of adrenaline like never before, I felt my heart beating to its loudest and my face turned pale . I was sweating in an air conditioned class room.

This is exactly , when, I knew something is not right. I had my results that day and although I had faith I would clear the semester, I still experienced this.  What I experienced was ANXIETY.

Anxiety- a feeling of worry, unease and nervousness for a certain outcome.

Depression- a feeling of severe despondency & dejection. 

Something which we go through at different levels but yes we all go through this, my reason was results, yours might be something else. But, we all experience it . Anxiety or Depression for that matter is not an out of the world condition, it is just that nervousness, that doubt, maybe lack of confidence for a particular outcome that leads in a gush of adrenaline to flow through your veins.

Even though we've all been through it , it is being neglected. It is often considered to be a taboo or something not good to share with someone / talk about. Mental health being an important aspect to lead a healthy life is often the most delinquent one. It is important for us ; as the citizens of a country having the largest youth population to spread awareness about mental health. Make sure to evaluate our own reactions and work through them.

We as individuals need to ask that extra question "are you fine?" ; because sometimes just asking "how are you ?" is not enough. Don't just listen, "hear" what a person is saying. Sometimes just allowing someone to release their thoughts can help them. Anxiety, Depression, are some commonly seen traits and these are partly a result of low confidence . Low confidence is again a result of distrust in ones own self.

Depression can be cured, it can be dealt with; provided we decide to seek help. That feeling of loneliness, darkness often captivates ones emotions and churns it all into a tornado of sadness. It seems calm in the beginning but as and when time passes by , this takes a shape non has imagined.

Talking to friends and family is important but on the counter part whats more important is to not loose faith in one self . We have the strength to tackle any and every situation that comes forth. Of course, it may take a while, feel impossible at the beginning but eventually everything will be fine. Just hold on!


  1. I try to apply this logic whenever possible. "If you can change it then why worry about it? If you can't change something then why worry about it?" But you are right it's not always possible to avoid it.

    1. Thankyou for sharing your point of view . Thankyou chacha ❤️

  2. Very aptly you hv approached the topic and it's rlly an area of concern in the present day life .. always look forward to read your blogs 😍😍


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