What Dengue taught me .

Living in Mumbai, this had to be an experience to go through ! Well, not the best thing to be happen, but yes, a teacher in disguise. Cutting it short, I was suffering through dengue Some time ago, while it seemed all drowsy all day and my eyelids hardly kept open , I had a wandering mind. My parents have always said, "no matter how negative something gets, no matter how bad a situation is ; there is something to learn ." While my platelets dropped and fever kept shooting, I realised , 3 things. These 3 things will sound basic, VERY BASIC, and they are undoubtedly basic. But, given a thought they hold a lot of importance. Those three things were --- 1] Water is your BEST FRIEND ! Yes, all those friendships of childhood and school days and college days etc . etc, on one side but water being your best friend ; on the other side. No matter what, water is the cure . Honestly, I used to lag when it came to drinking water, this decently resulted in low hydration . But, w...