What Dengue taught me .

Living in Mumbai, this had to be an experience to go through ! Well, not the best thing to be happen, but yes, a teacher in disguise.

Cutting it short, I was suffering through dengue Some time ago, while it seemed all drowsy all day and my eyelids hardly kept open , I had a wandering mind. My parents have always said, "no matter how negative something gets, no matter how bad a situation is ; there is something to learn ."

While my platelets dropped and fever kept shooting, I realised , 3 things. These 3 things will sound basic, VERY BASIC, and they are undoubtedly basic. But, given a thought they hold a lot of importance. Those three things were ---

1] Water is your BEST FRIEND !
Yes, all those friendships of childhood and school days and college days etc . etc, on one side but water being your best friend ; on the other side. No matter what, water is the cure .  Honestly, I used to lag when it came to drinking water, this decently resulted in low hydration . But, while I was suffering through Dengue, I had not other option than keeping myself hydrated by consuming lots of water and juices, rather a little over hydrated.

It definitely , gave me better skin , good health and a new good best friend !

2] Family FIRST.
Staying with your family , is good , but living with them is a totally different thing. According to what I feel . Parents , grandparents , siblings, cousins , all of these relations are what objectify a family. I feel a family, is something beyond these relations ,it is love, respect, care and understanding.

While suffering through high fever, where I wasn't even capable enough of walking to the kitchen and taking a glass of water for myself, it was this, "family", the one which was beyond objectified boundaries, that made me feel better. Standing by the basin, I collapsed , I had my dad holding me , my mother standing in front of me, my grandparents , unaware of how to react and unable to understand what was happening. I had a cousin sister around , and of course my younger brother who had no clue what to do and how to react.

I wasn't unconscious , I was aware of the chaos surrounding me . I knew that I only had too much of weakness , due to which all of this was happening . In that moment , when I looked at everyones face, the fear , the expression of not being able to compute what was happening was visible .

I wanted to tell them, I'm fine , there's nothing to worry about , but I just didn't have the strength to speak a word.The next thing I remember was that I lay at the floor and after a while, I was on the bed. sleeping yet again.

I was hospitalised the next day, dad actually sneaked inn with my brother at 12:00 AM midnight , just to give me a surprise . I was obviously bored. After coming back home, I realised, that without family , without this unconditional love , care & support , no one can survive.  Family is the only constant support one can expect through out .

3] Papaya Leaves - A lesson for life.
The only thing I've ever hated , papaya leaf juice. Bitter, bad , weird smell and definitely  the most unwanted thing . I had no other option than drinking this in order to boost my platelets . So, obviously, tantrums were thrown, on everyone forcing me to drink this. I drank it on the only condition that I would get to eat a Lindt Chocolate after finishing it .

Everyone agreed, I stopped throwing tantrums and had a chocolate after drinking it. I had my blood tests done, my doctor checked my reports and he was surprised that there was no good improvements in my platelet levels. He asked my parents if I'm consuming the juice or no . They very honestly  also said about my habit of eating a chocolate after it .

He immediately said, not to give me chocolates , sweets were the reason why my platelets were not rising to the mark . So, now , I had to consume the juice , but no more chocolates for me :( !

However, later on, with continuous consumption of the same, my platelets started to rise, I started to feel some energy in my body . I pondered over this for a while, and ,  I realised that not all things have to be sweet in order to be good for you .  In my case consumption of chocolates was the reason for my health not improving  .
Sometimes, its the bitter things in life that prove to be beneficial to you , rather than the sweet things which make you feel good for a while but prove to be not so good, in the long run. So yes, If you land up in a bitter situation ; give it some time, you'll probable rise to something even more better!


  1. I agree.All the 3 things you mentioned are extremely vital. One thing I would add is that "good friends are like good health whose value is seldom known until lost"


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