
"Vibes",  the new fad ?

Well originally known as "vibrations" ; is the energy one emits . It is the energy that builds your aura and is the first impression you have of/on someone . Often, you feel very comfortable with some people, you might not know them for long , might be you just met them. Ever wondered why does that happen ? Some places urge you to stay there for longer time, or probably revisit them, but some don't appeal to you as much. It’s difficult to know the exact reason , but definitely vibrations are the ones to be blamed.

To simplify further, it’s like, all of us are transmitters and receptors. We constantly keep transmitting energy , and receipting energy from the environment around us . Your aura is definitely built by what you think , what you feel , but a major contribution is also from the environment you reside in . 

It is often difficult to be able to understand , what are you feeling, why are you feeling so. Being a big believer of vibes it allows me to feel and understand my environment as negative or positive.

This is a concept which might differ in perception for each one of us. It isn't quite difficult to realise  the aura around, once you start putting in conscious efforts. Next time you meet someone new, visit a place, try to feel the environment , the colour on the wall, the way someone greets you , all these things that we generally tend to brush off easily and don't give our attention to are the ones that indicate about what energy does the place or person emit. 

Our homes have energies too. Every person living in the house, the energies the person emits , all of that builds the energy of the house. Hence, many a times when one person is upset, it affects everyone residing in. Not just the home but your friend circle , office any and every environment that involves human interaction.

Vibrations are constant energies. Positive/negative, good/bad ; we constantly transmit and receipt it , sometimes knowingly sometimes unknowingly. But in the end, your vibe attracts your tribe!


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